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Antoine Schwartzmann M.Sc.

Antoine Schwartzmann

Antoine Schwartzmann is our Project Geologist who joined our team in June 2018. Mr. Schwartzmann is responsible for the data management, modeling and targeting of our projects working directly with the VP of exploration, Charles Beaudry. Mr. Schwartzmann is a geologist with over 3 years of experience both in Canada and abroad. Previously he was working with Newmont in French Guyana from 2015 to 2018 as an Exploration Geologist in remote areas of the rain forest. Mr. Schwartzmann did his studies in France at the BRGM (France’s reference public institution for Earth Science applications in the management of surface and subsurface resources and risks) and did his master thesis with the IEP (International Explorers & Prospectors Inc.) performing lithogeochemical mapping to discover new potential areas for exploration.

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